When two conjugate redox pairs are present together in solution, electron
transfer from the electron donor of one pair to the electron acceptor of the
other may occur spontaneously. The tendency of such a reaction to occur depends
upon the relative affinity of the electron acceptor of each redox pair for
electrons. The standard reduction potential, Eo, a measure of this affinity, is
determined in an experiment such as that described in Figure 13-15.
Electrochemists have chosen as a standard of reference the half reaction
The reduction potential of a half cell depends not only upon the chemical species present but also upon their activities, approximated by their concentrations. About a century ago, Walther Nernst derived an equation that relates standard reduction potential (E0) to reduction potential (E) at any concentration of oxidized and reduced species in the cell:
where R and T have their usual meanings (Table 13-1), n is the number of
electrons transferred per molecule, and F is the Faraday constant, 96.48
kJ/V•mol. At 298 K (25 °C), this expression reduces to:
Many half reactions of interest to biochemists involve protons. As in the
definition of ΔG°', biochemists define the standard state for
oxidation-reduction reactions as pH 7 and express reduction potential as
E'0, the standard reduction potential at pH 7. The
values for standard reduction potentials given in Table 13-7 and used throughout
this book are for E0 and are therefore only valid for
calculations involving systems at neutral pH. Each value represents the
potential difference when the conjugate redox pair at 1 M
concentrations at pH 7 is connected with the standard (pH 0) hydrogen electrode.
Notice in Table 13-7 that when the conjugate pair
2H+/H2 at pH 7 is connected
with the standard hydrogen electrode (pH 0), electrons tend to flow from the pH
7 cell to the standard (pH 0) cell; the measured ΔE'0
for the 2H+/H2 pair is
-0.414 V
The energy made available to do work by this spontaneous electron flow (the free-energy change for the oxidation-reduction reaction) is proportional to ΔE:
Consider the reaction in which acetaldehyde is reduced by the biological electron carrier NADH:
(1) Acetaldehyde + 2H+ + 2e-
E'0 = -0.197 V
(2) NAD+ + 2H+ + 2e-
H+ E'0 = -0.320
For the overall reaction, ΔE0 = -0.197 V - (-0.320 V) = 0.123 V, and n is 2. Therefore, ΔG°' = -nFΔE'0 = -2(96.5 kJ/V•mol)(0.123 V) = -23.7 kJ/mol.
This is the free-energy change for the oxidationreduction reaction when acetaldehyde, ethanol, NAD+, and NADH are all present at 1 M concentrations. If, instead, acetaldehyde and NADH were present at 1 M, but ethanol and NAD+ were present at 0.1 M, the value for ΔG would be calculated as follows. First, the values of E for both reductants are determined (Eqn 13-7):
Then ΔE is used to calculate ΔG (Eqn 13-8):
it is thus possible to calculate the free-energy change for any biological
oxidation at any concentrations of the redox pairs.
H+ + e-
The electrode at which this half reaction occurs is arbitrarily assigned a
standard reduction potential of 0.00 V. When this hydrogen electrode is
connected through an external circuit to another half cell in which the oxidized
and reduced species are both present at standard concentrations (each solute at
1 M, each gas at 1 atm), electrons will tend to flow through the
external circuit from the half cell of lower standard reduction potential to the
half cell of higher standard reduction potential. By convention, the half cell
with the stronger tendency to acquire electrons is assigned a positive value of
E0 (in volts).The reduction potential of a half cell depends not only upon the chemical species present but also upon their activities, approximated by their concentrations. About a century ago, Walther Nernst derived an equation that relates standard reduction potential (E0) to reduction potential (E) at any concentration of oxidized and reduced species in the cell:
Standard Reduction Protentials Allow the Calculation of Free-Energy Change
The usefulness of reduction potentials stems from the fact that when E has been determined for any two half cells, relative to the standard hydrogen electrode, their reduction potentials relative to each other are also known. One can therefore predict the direction in which electrons will tend to flow when these two half cells are connected through an external circuit, or when the components of the two half cells are present together in the same solution. Electrons will tend to flow to the half cell with the more positive E, and the strength of that tendency is proportional to the difference in reduction potentials, ΔE.The energy made available to do work by this spontaneous electron flow (the free-energy change for the oxidation-reduction reaction) is proportional to ΔE:
ΔG=-nFΔE, or ΔG°'=-nFΔE'0
Here n represents the number of electrons transferred in the reaction. With
this equation it is possible to calculate the free-energy change for any
oxidation-reduction reaction from the values of Eo (found in a table of
reduction potentials) and the concentrations of the species involved in the
reaction.Consider the reaction in which acetaldehyde is reduced by the biological electron carrier NADH:
Acetaldehyde + NADH + H+
ethanol + NAD+
The relevant half reactions and their Eo values (Table 13-7) are:(1) Acetaldehyde + 2H+ + 2e-
(2) NAD+ + 2H+ + 2e-
For the overall reaction, ΔE0 = -0.197 V - (-0.320 V) = 0.123 V, and n is 2. Therefore, ΔG°' = -nFΔE'0 = -2(96.5 kJ/V•mol)(0.123 V) = -23.7 kJ/mol.
This is the free-energy change for the oxidationreduction reaction when acetaldehyde, ethanol, NAD+, and NADH are all present at 1 M concentrations. If, instead, acetaldehyde and NADH were present at 1 M, but ethanol and NAD+ were present at 0.1 M, the value for ΔG would be calculated as follows. First, the values of E for both reductants are determined (Eqn 13-7):
Then ΔE is used to calculate ΔG (Eqn 13-8):
ΔE | = -0.167-(-0.350) = 0.183 V |
ΔG | =-nFΔE =-2(96.5kJ/V•mol)(0.183V) =-35.3kJ/mol |
Cells Oxidize Glucose to Carbon Dioxide in Steps Involving Specialized Electron Carriers
In many organisms, the oxidation of glucose supplies energy for the production of ATP. For the complete oxidation of glucose:
+ 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2O
ΔG°' is -2,840 kJ/mol. This is a much larger change in free energy than that
occurring during ATP synthesis (50 to 60 kJ/mol; see Box 13-2). Cells do not
convert glucose to CO2 in a single, very energetic
reaction, but rather in a series of reactions, some of which are oxidations. The
free-energy change of these oxidation steps is larger than, but of the same
order of magnitude as, that required for ATP synthesis from ADP. Electrons
removed in these oxidation steps are transferred to coenzymes specialized for
carrying electrons, such as NAD+ and FAD, which are
described below.