The transfer of phosphate groups is one of the central features of metabolism. Metabolic electron transfer reactions are also of crucial importance. These oxidation-reduction reactions involve the loss of electrons by one chemical species, which is thereby oxidized, and the gain by another, which is reduced. The flow of electrons in oxidationreduction reactions is responsible, directly or indirectly, for all of the work done by living organisms. In nonphotosynthetic organisms, the source of electrons is reduced compounds (food); in photosynthetic organisms, the initial electron donor is a chemical species excited by the absorption of light. The path of electron flow in metabolism is complex. Electrons move from various metabolic intermediates to specialized electron carriers in enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Those carriers in turn donate electrons to acceptors with higher electron affinities, with the release of energy. Cells contain a variety of molecular energy transducers, which convert the energy of electron flow into useful work.
We begin our discussion with a description of the general types of metabolic reactions that involve electron transfers. After considering the theoretical and experimental basis for measuring energy changes in oxidation reactions in terms of electromotive force, we will discuss the relationship between this force, expressed in volts, and the freeenergy change, expressed in joules. We conclude by introducing the structures and oxidation-reduction chemistry of the most common of the specialized electron carriers, which we shall meet repeatedly in later chapters.
The Flow of Electrons Can Do Biological Work
The conversion of electron flow to biological work requires
molecular transducers, analogous to the electric motors that convert electron
flow through macroscopic circuits into mechanical motion. The analogy between a
circuit connecting a battery with an electric motor and the submicroscopic
electron circuits in cells is instructive.
In the macroscopic circuit (Fig. 13-13a), the source of electrons is a
battery containing two chemical species that differ in affinity for electrons.
The electrical wires provide a pathway for electron flow from the chemical
species at one pole of the battery, through the motor, to the chemical species
at the other pole of the battery. Because the two chemical species differ in
their affinity for electrons, electrons flow spontaneously through the circuit,
driven by a force proportional to the difference in electron afimity, the
electromotive force. The electromotive force (typically a few volts) can
accomplish work if an appropriate energy transducer such as a motor is placed in
the circuit. The motor can be coupled to a variety of mechanical devices to
accomplish work. In an analogous biological "circuit" (Fig. 13-13b), the source of electrons is a relatively reduced compound such as glucose. As glucose is enzymatically oxidized, electrons are released and flow spontaneously through a series of electron carrier intermediates to another chemical species with a high affinity for electrons, such as O2. Electron flow is spontaneous and exergonic, because O2 has a higher affinity for electrons than do the intermediates that donate electrons. The resulting electromotive force provides energy to molecular transducers that do biological work. In the mitochondrion, for example, membrane-bound transducers couple electron flow to the production of a transmembrane pH difference, accomplishing osmotic and electrical work. The proton gradient thus formed has potential emeroy, sometimes called protonmotive force by analogy with electromotive force. Another molecular transducer in the mitochondrial membrane uses the proton-motive force to do chemical work: ATP is synthesized from ADP and Pi as protons flow spontaneously across the membrane. Similarly, membrane-localized transducers in E. coli convert electromotive to protonmotive force, which is then used to power flagellar motion. The principles of electrochemistry that govern energy changes in the circuit with a motor and battery apply with equal validity to the microscopic processes accompanying electron flow in living cells. We turn now to a review of those principles. Oxidation-Reductions Can Be Described as Half-ReactionsAlthough oxidation and reduction must occur together, it is convenient when describing electron transfers to consider the two halves of an oxidation-reduction reaction separately. For example, the oxidation of ferrous ion by cupric ion:The electron transfers in oxidation-reduction reactions involving organic compounds are not fundamentally different from those that occur with inorganic species. In Chapter 11 we considered the oxidation of a reducing sugar (an aldehyde or ketone) by cupric ion (see Fig. 11-l0a): Biological Oxidations Often Involve Dehydrogenation